
2nd Home Adult Medical Day Care offers an individualized plan of care to meet the needs of each participant who attends on a scheduled basis. All services are administered by our friendly and caring bi-lingual staff.
Health Supervision and Nursing Care
- Full-time registered nurse (RN) is always on duty
- Licensed practical nurse (LPN) is always on duty
- Medical director (MD) of the program who assures that the participants private physicians orders are strictly followed
Social Services for Participants and Families
- Initial interviews, referral, home visits and counseling.
- We guide our participants and their caregivers through the maze of Medicare and Medicaid regulations
- Direct our participants to community services that assist them with various problems.
Recreational Activities
- Daily exercise, games, crafts, movies, gardening
- Educational programs, guest speakers and entertainers
- Day trips provided by 2nd Home
Nutritious Meals
- Each meal is tailored to individual dietary needs
- Nutritious breakfasts, hot lunches and a take-home snack
Coordinate / referral for the following services with a licensed provider as needed
- Dental
- Podiatry
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Optometry
- Rehabilitation therapy
FREE transportation
- Participants are transported to their physician from the center and returned to the center
- Participants are transported to stores for food shopping, banking and other services which they have no way of reaching